Saturday, December 4, 2010

Red Bull x Cashmere

Awesome night at the Red Bull Music Academy Culture Clash in downtown LA. People were going bananas. I got to create the trailer for the event.

here's the video I made

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blue Like Jazz is Saved!

Was I surprised when I found "Save Blue Like Jazz" in my RSS news feed? Yes, I was like huh Christian content in a business/creative blog?? But it was there. Blue Like Jazz was gonna be made into a movie. Then the funds ran out and production had to stop. Some fans of the book stated raising funds through a site called Since the campaign began last month, it has well exceeded the amount needed! I'm happy when people can make films. I'm gonna have to go see it.

Here the story:

Saving Blue Like Jazz
Posted by Yancey Strickler

“The hero of this story is you.” — Don Miller, The Story of Blue Like Jazz the Movie

On September 16th, Don Miller, author of the bestselling novel Blue Like Jazz, announced on his blog that the film adaptation he had spent four years working on was dead. Funding had been lost, and the movie could not be finished.

Or could it?

A week later, two fans of the book, Jonathan Frazier and Zach Prichard, decided to take things into their own hands. They convinced Miller and director Steve Taylor to let them launch a Kickstarter project to raise $125,000 — the minimum needed to complete the film — with a bold campaign: Save Blue Like Jazz.

The project launched on September 24th. After three days they had a measly $300. On September 29th Miller blogged about the effort, and the internet woke up. Within a week the project had astonishingly raised its full $125,000 — Blue Like Jazz was saved.

In the two and a half weeks since, the project has gone on to double that total. It ends at midnight tonight, and it’s rapidly closing in on an astonishing $300,000 — the largest amount raised in Kickstarter’s history, and the largest crowdfunding total ever for a US film. Not bad for two fans with a crazy idea.

In the past fans have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying billboards, full-page ads, and other public pronouncements to save their favorite shows. The results have been mixed. Hapless executives are hardwired to value dollars over fans, and these fan-funding campaigns have traditionally fallen on intentionally deaf ears.

But to see fans use their voices and dollars to make the thing happen on their own is a whole other thing. If fans are willing to pony up for the production, what recourse do executives have? What’s there to say if fans declare they want to see the thing so badly that they will pay for it?

Where Hollywood has failed we fans can step in. We know what we want to see, we know what we want to exist. Blue Like Jazz spectacularly demonstrates that we can, in fact, do something about it. Congratulations to the filmmakers and — most of all — to the fans. Now what are we saving next?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Celebrities x more videos

Marques Houston - Ghetto Angel Exclusive from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Twista, Chris Brown - Make a Movie Exclusive from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Skeetox with Xzibit Exclusive from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Ignite 2010 Recap from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Meeting celebrities is a strange thing. Some people are starstruck, some people want to get their in, and some people just don't care. It's been said many times, but they are just people. They are exceptional in their craft, but nonetheless, still just people. At the core they have the basic needs we all have.

One of my favorite r&b songs was Marques Houston's "That Girl". It's fun, up beat, and it feels good. I finally got to meet the man who recorded it. It was a cool looking set, but it was a not-so-cool experience. I mean I had fun shooting, but the boat got a little rocky and I got motion sickness. So did one of the girls. All in all I like the end product.

Who is Chris Brown? He seems like a fun/cool/chill guy, but he is definitely a superstar. He does what he wants, and he gets what he wants. I felt a similar experience when I met Kid Cudi. He was so cool when I experienced him through his music, interviews, and commentary, but there was an empty feeling when I finally meet him in person. I think disappointment is a good way to sum it. As much as their work affects your life, there really is not personal connection when it comes to the person. Strange yet sobering realization. On the film/video side of things, props to Director Collin Tilley for doing it big. Much respect.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A life of critical moments + Adulthood

Maybe I'm dramatic and I bring it upon myself, but does it feel like life is a series of critical moments and decisions?

I remember feeling extremely stressed out my junior year of high school because I wasn't doing well academically. There was a test coming up, and I felt that if I did not pass this test, I would irrevocably ruin my future. Being that junior year is the most important academic year in high school, I would destroy my changes of getting into a good college, thus ruining my chances of getting a job, thus ruining the rest of my life. I remember that same feeling during city college (I guess I didn't pass that test). I had a variation of that moment before the DTR. But it was more like, I don't want to make the mistake of ruining another person's life if it doesn't work out. On the other hand if I don't do it I may miss out on the opportunity of a life time and then die with regret.

I realized a couple months ago that I'm actually an adult. And time doesn't stop for no body. I been wondering...can one achieve their dreams if they work hard and smart or is it only a myth told by Presidents to motivate children? I'm sure the answer is somewhere in the middle, but I'm asking myself... Can I do it?

As Jagged as said , "We ain't getting younger, we must as well do it." I wonder if pursuing my dreams is just a way of delaying responsibility and reality. I don't want to be the uncle in Napoleon Dynamite who has lost touch with reality. But I don't want to die with regret either... I'm twenty-three now, will I ever live to see twenty-four, The way things is going I don't know. Let me know, do I still got time to grow.

On another note sharing some more video projects...

Jay Rock Nightmare on Elm Street Behind the Scenes from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Satisfied Series + 500 days of LA

I been in Southern California for 5 years now. It's really unbelieveable when I think about it. Times passes by so quickly. Things change and rearrange, friends aren't friends anymore, people go behind your back. I have come to appreciate the many elements of socal. Don't get me wrong, I still hate the traffic, but there are many pluses too.

Lisa and Alice are both locals to socal, and they have found that treating yourself as a tourist in your hometown can be very enriching. We miss the beauty in the things around us when we forget to slow down and "smell the flowers." This is their satisfied story.

This is where it all began

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Xzibit + Industry Integration

Xzibit Phenom Release Party from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

Xzibit just released a new single Phenom on itunes along with his music video (plug plug), and I was able to go to the release party in Hollywood. Here's a video I put together for the event.

If someone were to predict my future 8 years ago and tell me what I did, I wouldn't believe it. Coming from my Southern Baptist, Chinese, conservative background I didn't expect this to happen. I don't work with Christians. I haven't been trained in how to operate in this environment. Ironically, these people who seem so different than me are probably very much the same. At the core of us all, aren't we all beings trying to find out "why"?

The more I get to know my co workers I realize how little I understand about life. Some of my co-workers have so much knowledge and experience. Yet I feel I have been placed here for a reason. I mean beyond doing my job as a employee, I feel like God desires to see the restoration of humanity closer to its intended image. But how do I do that? I really feel blessed I am here. And I hope I can really add to the kingdom.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Satisfied Series + Poetry

Cliff is pretty good at telling stories. He's pretty articulate and blogs well. He also has an appreciation for rap. I once asked him who his favorite rapper was and without hesitation he said Eminem. Thank God he didn't say soulja boy. There are these moments in rap songs that are so intense it just hits you in the gut. And I remember we shared about those moments and how they are almost even spiritual. Anyways, this is Cliff's story for satisfied.

This is where it all began.

Satisfied Series + Church Visit

My home church, Laguna Chinese Baptist Church (originally called Sacramento Chinese Baptist Church, was actually a church plant by a church from Los Angeles. Growing up I always wanted to visit the "mother" church. And when I moved to Long Beach for school I met many people who went to First Chinese Baptist Church in LA. Come Passion's first event met at FCBC LA. And here is the story that Youth Pastor John Ng shared.

This is where it all began.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Satisfied Series + Live for God

Phil asked me to join him on his journey to discover on how to live for God. Sometimes we find that as much as we desire to live for God, there are some areas in our life that don't really translate that idea in a satisfying way. Phil is a pharmacist technician, and he told me that as much as he tried to live for God with his job... he couldn't see how he, as a pharmacist technician, could be for God. And so he decided instead of trying to focus on living for God through his job he would try his best at every other area in his life. And that mindset began to open doors.

Enter "Come Passion"

Phil realized he had a lot of talented friends and he brought some of them together to do an event. By no means am I saying that events are the end all externalization of living for God, but I feel that a praise night is a non threatening way to invite people and spark interest. As we brain stormed we decided that we wanted to theme the evening around the question "Are you satisfied?"

In this video Ashley is a high school senior (now graduated), and she shared some of her journey with us. She reminds me that living for God can be an active, and that through trusting in Christ we can develop confidence.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tribute to Matt Asami + New Track

Matt is so awesome we hate him. A Jeff, Jay, Jason, and Bryce Track featuring the man himself, Matt Asami. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Boondocks + Far East Movement

I saw far east movement while they were at their music video shoot for like a g6. That song is pretty bumping, so I can't wait to see it.

But the cool thing is I made it to their blog!! Whoo!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Internship Happenings + hip hop rappers

Well, it's been a grind but very enjoyable. I thank God for all the doors he has opened. I been shooting and editing video. Sometimes with known or lesser known celebrities, but it's definitely a unique experience. Here is something that they just put online.

The psychological struggle between feeling satisfied and unsatisfied has been a constant for me. I understand the importance of having a humble attitude of thanksgiving. But at the same time we should also desire more for our life. We should strive for better, and not be complacent in our current situation. So what's next? Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Aspirations + Kid Cudi + Snoop

I feel real tired. And it's not the sleepy or weak tired. But it's the I feel emotionally and psychologically drained tired. And to be honest, I can't put my finger on why. It's about 2:30am, and I just got back from a music video shoot with Snoop and Kid Cudi. How cool is that? Not gonna lie, it's pretty cool. Considering I idolized Kid Cudi last year, and Snoop Dogg is basically the uncle of west coast rap, it's pretty dang cool. I got to shoot some behind the scenes stuff and got to see them just chillin. But why is it that I don't feel the hype? Why is it I feel unsatisfied, anxious, and tired?

Maybe, I need a break. One of my favorite movies of all time is Collateral. In the film Jamie Foxx is a taxi driver, and he gives a ride to the stressed out lawyer played by Jada Pinkett Smith. In one scene Jamie's character tells Jada that she needs a break. He tells her that she is going to go crazy if she doesn't just relax and do nothing. It's hard to ask for a break when you just had a year long break which only ended three weeks ago. I feel guilty just considering it. But maybe I need to take a psychological break. I do feel like my desires or aspiration create certain expectations which I place on myself. And maybe those expectations are just squeezing me dry. I wonder if this the path that God wanted me to take. It seems like He closed certain doors, and He opened this door. I believe in the sovereignty of God, and I would like to think that I have given Jesus Lordship over my life. I don't feel like I am consciously disobeying him or rebelling against his will. But why don't I feel satisfied?

My friend told me I need to have more faith. I think he is right. I do need more faith. And maybe through more faith I will experience more peace. But the journey continues, and the grind doesn't stop. When I step back, I do see the many blessings in my life. That should be enough proof for me to believe that God has a plan for me. I still do believe, but I really want to see how this all pans out. Sorry, no pics on this post. I'll be adding a lot more stuff in the future. Also check out Snoop Dogg featuring Kid Cudi's new track "that tree." It's about remember where you came from, remembering your family.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

internship and ness

So I just got an internship this week. It's with this marketing agency called cashmere agency. I start next week, and it feels weird because I won't have the freedom that I have now. I'll be tied to a workday. It's been roller coaster journey but hopefully, this will help me on my next course of life. Also my doppelgänger is Ness! Happy Chinese new year!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The twins - introducing kyler and asher

These two little guys are too awesome. Though they are fraternal twins, they still look very similar. Asher was expected to be the first born, but Kyler somehow snuck out first. Asher means church, and Kyler means blessing. Kyler is the generally more reserved one. He is more contemplative and calculative. Asher is more outgoing, and he gets loud. He likes to point at things and yell out words. They both love running around and screaming. It's great.

It's interesting how people develop. It's even more interesting how people change. What makes people change? What factors attribute to a paradigm shift within someone? How do these things happen? I had several conversations this past week concerning this issue. Specifically, we discussed the idea of how one becomes a Christian... What occurs internally for one to believe? The obvious answer is God/Holy Spirit changes the heart. But my question is what is my role within this process.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Demo!

Vegas at night.

New track is out today! Ryo is actually doing a whole compilation for Vday, and I was asked to be part of the project. I will be submitting at least 2 tracks. But this is a new track. I will post the Vday project when it is released.

I decided to go with a pop sound for this track. A couple of the samples have a pulsating sound. This track is also special because it's my first track where I actually recorded myself on rhythm guitar. I always associated that sound with praise style music, but I was able to work out the sound. Bryce helped me get a rap verse in the middle. It was a lot of fun as usual, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Here is the other track

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Twins first time at Snow

Our church went on a field trip to Palm Springs. We went on the Aerial Tramway to the mountains to see the snow. It was the first time the boys experienced snow.

Group picture with part of the church.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Amos and Tammy Engagement photos

Amos is a good friend of mine. We have known each other since we were both little. I had the pleasure of doing his and Tammy's engagement photos. They are a very private couple, but in those rare moments where you actually see them for who they are, you see something very special. Congrats on your marriage. Keep me posted when wally pops out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Amos getting married?! + Engagement Video

It's hard for me to believe Amos is getting married. I remember when he first told me he had a girlfriend. I was so shocked. Everyone was shocked. Now he is putting the ring on it, and he won't be single no more.

Amos + Tammy from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

This project started as engagement photos. It was actually much first time do something like this. By the end of the night I felt like it was a total fail, so I turned back to my bread and butter... video. Congrats man!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gai Dan Jai and Da Been Lo (Egg puff and Hot pot)

Karen, Caleb, and Lydia prepare. Me and Enoch eat.

One of my favorite Hong Kong snacks! Slightly crunchy on the outside, and moist and chewy on the inside. It's such a nostalgic snack.

Da been lo is so much fun. Eating becomes an experience. You must get into it or else you will leave hungry. I like the options. I like the variety. It's fun with family too. God is good.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Photobooth with the Family for Christmas

Photobooths are the new must-haves for weddings. I setup my camera on a tripod and set the timer for 2 seconds. We all started behind the camera and ran to the couch. It was pretty fun.

Even my uncle got into it.

Family portrait for Christmas 2009 with "the Chinese Pose."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

AACF Winter Banquet + Gingerbread Houses

Happy New Years! This is our gingerbread house we made from an assortment of candies. This scene was inspired by StarCraft 2.

Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.