Thursday, January 20, 2011

Overdrive Time

What is an artist? Hopefully I'm not some pretentious, emotional elitist hipster who only talks about existential philosophy with no relevance to reality.

Confession: When I see bad videos - want to throw up. When I see good videos - I get jealous.

I guess it comes from an internal lack of self confidence. Maybe it's the Chinese side or something. But I decided, I have to start somewhere. And so I'm gonna take pictures of whatever. And post them up. Maybe one day I'll even have a whole Billy Bronze Series. Props to Sam Flores!

Also what do you guys thinks about watermarks? Facebook is cool because it doesn't have ads. Ads aren't cool. Is a watermark like an ad? Thoughts?


  1. Facebook has ads, they're just on the sidebar instead of in your face.

    My take on watermarking has always been to protect my work from being stolen (cause it has). But at the same time, I've come to a point in my work where I'm comfortable enough that if my work DOES get stolen, I have enough backing to retaliate (or at least, just be angrily flattered). :P Up to you.

  2. watermarks are nice. i used to put them for fear of stolen work, but then it got too tedious to watermark EVERYTHING.
    and now i guess it's forcing me to create work that reflects me as an artist, without the necessity of my name being there.

  3. Thanks! I think I will be watermarking. I just need to figure what it is. It needs to be cool. And un-ad like.
