Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brick Toast is the Best Breakfast Dessert

Last week I was at Guppy Teahouse with some friends and we ordered the Brick Toast. It was super good. It seemed simple, but I had no idea how it was made. That night I looked up some recipes on it. Since then I've been eating it everyday.

I found this recipe via sinosoul.com
The basic recipe for the mix is
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup powdered milk
1/3 cup butter
half an egg yolk

1. Make the mix
2. Score the toast with a # symbol. This allows the mix to melt into the toast.
3. Evenly spread mix onto toast
4. Toast it for 5-6 minutes or until lightly brown
5. Add condense milk to taste

I love using the cow condense milk. My uncle says it's the best. I don't question it.

The first attempt was using the French Bread Toast from Ranch 99. Only problem was it was only .5" thick. I wanted to get the 1.5" thick toast. I couldn't find it at the local Asian bakery. I ended up going to Pavilions and got the French Bread Loaf. I had them cut it to 1.2" slices. Final product with condense milk at the top. Please donate some 1.5" thick French toast, and I'll make it for you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Squeeze Inn

Squeeze Inn is one of my favorite burger places in Sacramento. Actually, it's probably one of my favorite burger places in the world. Basically, what makes their burgers unique is the cheese skirt. I don't know the exact process in which they make it, but it ends up tasting delicious. It used to be in a small shack (hence the name squeeze inn because you had to "squeeze in" to the restaurant.

They actually got sued by some dumb person who said they weren't disable-friendly. They almost had to close down forever. Luckily, the worst that happened was they moved to a bigger spot down the street. They kept the shack front entrance, and dropped it into the new place. I always gotta make a stop when I'm back in Sacramento. If you ever come visit me while I'm in Sacramento, we will go here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Volleyball x Watermarks

So I don't play volleyball. I took a class in high school, but it was actually a tennis and volleyball class. I wasn't planning on being here, and I always feel weird going to an event where everyone else is participating and I'm not. So I brought the good ol 5d and took some pics.

I've also been experimenting with watermarks. I'm really unnatural to graphic design, so all you designers need to send me your best designs. And the winner gets to have their design in all my pictures. HAHA. Don't you just love those contest? It's hard because I haven't quite developed my own brand identity either. Lots of ideas still brewing. For more pics.