Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brick Toast is the Best Breakfast Dessert

Last week I was at Guppy Teahouse with some friends and we ordered the Brick Toast. It was super good. It seemed simple, but I had no idea how it was made. That night I looked up some recipes on it. Since then I've been eating it everyday.

I found this recipe via sinosoul.com
The basic recipe for the mix is
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup powdered milk
1/3 cup butter
half an egg yolk

1. Make the mix
2. Score the toast with a # symbol. This allows the mix to melt into the toast.
3. Evenly spread mix onto toast
4. Toast it for 5-6 minutes or until lightly brown
5. Add condense milk to taste

I love using the cow condense milk. My uncle says it's the best. I don't question it.

The first attempt was using the French Bread Toast from Ranch 99. Only problem was it was only .5" thick. I wanted to get the 1.5" thick toast. I couldn't find it at the local Asian bakery. I ended up going to Pavilions and got the French Bread Loaf. I had them cut it to 1.2" slices. Final product with condense milk at the top. Please donate some 1.5" thick French toast, and I'll make it for you.

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