Monday, October 26, 2009

Old Journey

A Jason Poon Short - Don't Stop Believing from Jason Poon on Vimeo.

I been meaning to post this for a long time. Thanks to Allie and Trisha for their patience. Don't Stop Believing featuring Allie and Trisha. BTW check out Trisha's photos! Check out the allie and matt series too (on trisha's site)! Has it been half a year??? Congrats

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I hate potatoes

Last week we were back at Friend's Church in Long Beach to cook and serve dinner. Friend's Church is a church that serves many different people in Long Beach, but one unique things about it is that a part of it's congregation is homeless people.

It's always an honor when CITC gets to serve. Our church serves the meal once a month, but we cook once every other month. This month was our turn to cook, and we made a breakfast meal. So on saturday we prepared the potatoes... They were actually pretty tasty. The first batch came out nicely, and we would taste some. Then we ate some here and some there. Then it started getting nasty. Then my house smelled like potatoes. FML

There were 100 lbs of potatoes. Chop Chop.

Too many potatoes.

We tested out pancakes too.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things in my Room 1 - hou yau

If you have been into my room know... I'm super messy. I wouldn't say that I am dirty, but I am messy. You might know other people who have a lot of stuff and are messy, but still they manage to know where everything is within their space. It's weird. I have tried to be more organized in a traditional sense, but it's hard. I'm working on it. So this series of post goes out to all of you OCD-neatfreak-germophobes. Here's a little peak into the stories inside my room.

Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce is the best! Even if you go to the wiki sauce it has the picture of Lee Kum Kee. Why do I like it? It's like a premium soy sauce. It doesn't even compare. The flavor is so rich. I grew up eating it in veggies especially kai lan and broccoli. It goes well as a marinate for beef in stir frys. Lately, I have been using it in ha zi mein (shrimp egg noodles). A great late night alternative to instant ramen. Editing some video late at night? Or maybe some dota? Oyster sauce on ha zi mein fasho!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

show your moves!


Here is a follow of the video shoot with chinese church organization dance classes. I assume Josh Yee edited all the video. I'm glad we were able to make use of it. And I'm sure ginger and wendy are glad its done. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I gotta feeling

Movie making is nothing like how it appears on the silver screen. A lot of work is put into a film before a camera is turned on. People write and rewrite drafts over drafts. Sometimes it's even being changed during the film shoot. People work together to plan shots. Rehearsals with actors. The there's production. 90% of film making on set sometimes feels like nothing time. Not to mention long days/nights wired only by the morning's coffee. The people on set sometimes don't even know the story. For this shoot I didn't even get a script. But after the shooting is done the film is not done. The work is passed to the editor. Editing can be a bleep. It's a tedious job. It can be lonely. I actually like it. But these are the major pieces of film making. And I love this process.

Things at first may seem overwhelming. The pieces may not seem to work together. People flaking. Drama. But when it comes together and people enjoy it. It's the best feeling.

Here are some pics from a film shoot this past weekend. The short film was called "Greatest Adventure" I got brought on by my friend Albert who was the DP for the film. I acted as the "B camera" for the shoot. It was definitely a good experience. It's been a while since I have been on a film shoot.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mashup inspired by Glee

So I watched glee last week. I know... admitting this kind of stuff is automatic revocation of man card. But none the less, I watched glee, and they did a mashup of its my life and confessions. I actually enjoyed it. It had a distinct pop sound which was different from the original soulful sound of confessions. But I liked the show's rendition anyway. A couple days ago my friend wrote some lyrics to an already produced song. He looked for an instrumental to the song, but he couldn't find one. He asked if I could make an instrumental. I did. And this is what I came up with.

Anyone recognize it? As I continued to work on the track, I realized that this iv, v, vi progression is extremely common. And naturally a melody from another song came out from the sound! I never tried doing a mashup, but it looks like this is what it has become. Don't be afraid! Try something new! I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vinyl is not dead

Yeah, I saw this guy live. Last night at 7th and Grand Los Angeles, CA was Freedom of Beats was hosted by 7 Lounge. I haven't heard so many classics in a minute.

It was a good time watching some DJ's do their thing. It was raw. One of the most underplayed elements of hip hop is DJing. Without the DJ you have nothing else. There aint no music; there aint no dancing. I haven't seen someone spin real vinyls since 2000. People have it plugged to their macs and click this and that. One love to all DJs, but it was fresh to see DJ melody doing it with vinyls on the 1s and 2s.

It was also a humbling time. I started getting into hip hop music in middle school, and I feel like I been able to hear a lot. But there's just so much history. The roots of hip hop go deep. It's time for me to go back to school. I need to get acquainted with the og sounds. As for my music, I doubt this experience will make any revolutionary changes to my style. I do hope to obtain an appreciation for the past thus giving me more meaning in my own music creation.

and yes... Pitbull did not invent hotel motel holiday inn