Sunday, October 25, 2009

I hate potatoes

Last week we were back at Friend's Church in Long Beach to cook and serve dinner. Friend's Church is a church that serves many different people in Long Beach, but one unique things about it is that a part of it's congregation is homeless people.

It's always an honor when CITC gets to serve. Our church serves the meal once a month, but we cook once every other month. This month was our turn to cook, and we made a breakfast meal. So on saturday we prepared the potatoes... They were actually pretty tasty. The first batch came out nicely, and we would taste some. Then we ate some here and some there. Then it started getting nasty. Then my house smelled like potatoes. FML

There were 100 lbs of potatoes. Chop Chop.

Too many potatoes.

We tested out pancakes too.

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