Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things in my Room 1 - hou yau

If you have been into my room know... I'm super messy. I wouldn't say that I am dirty, but I am messy. You might know other people who have a lot of stuff and are messy, but still they manage to know where everything is within their space. It's weird. I have tried to be more organized in a traditional sense, but it's hard. I'm working on it. So this series of post goes out to all of you OCD-neatfreak-germophobes. Here's a little peak into the stories inside my room.

Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce is the best! Even if you go to the wiki sauce it has the picture of Lee Kum Kee. Why do I like it? It's like a premium soy sauce. It doesn't even compare. The flavor is so rich. I grew up eating it in veggies especially kai lan and broccoli. It goes well as a marinate for beef in stir frys. Lately, I have been using it in ha zi mein (shrimp egg noodles). A great late night alternative to instant ramen. Editing some video late at night? Or maybe some dota? Oyster sauce on ha zi mein fasho!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA. a while ago, i was at the supermarket getting ready to buy oyster sauce and some white dude tells me it's cancerous.

    i'd rather die with satisfied taste buds.
